Sunday, June 30, 2013

依親老人 心事誰人知?

依親老人 心事誰人知?
by /阿潔
06.30.13 - 06:40 am

































© 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013


美国NSA监控项目泄密者:已不期望能再回家乡  2013-06-10 11:31:24  网易科技  [0条评论,查看/发表评论]
       导语:英国《卫报》网站周日刊文称,美国国家安全局(以下简称“NSA”)的“PRISM”互联网监控项目被曝光之后引发了激烈争议。向《卫报》曝光相关文档的爱德华·斯诺顿(Edward Snowden)最近在香港接受了《卫报》记者的采访。斯诺顿谈到了他为何要曝光这些材料,以及他未来的计划。
问: 你为什么决定成为告密者?
  斯诺顿: NSA已经搭建了一套基础系统,能截获几乎任何通信数据。凭借这样的能力,大部分通信数据都被无目标地自动保存。如果我希望查看你的电子邮件或你妻子的手机信息,所要做的就是使用截获的数据。我可以获得你的电子邮件、密码、通话记录和信用卡信息。
     问: 为了减少类似波士顿爆炸案这类恐怖活动的几率,难道不需要进行监控?
  斯诺顿: 我们需要确定,恐怖主义为何是一个新的威胁。恐怖主义一直存在,波士顿发生的事是犯罪行为。但这与监控无关,而是与传统的警察工作有关。警察对他们所做的事情很擅长。
爱德华·斯诺顿(Edward Snowden),一位29岁的美国前CIA(中央情报局)技术助理
  问: 你是否将自己视作另一个布拉德利·曼宁(Bradley Manning)?(注:维基解密泄密事件中的告密者)
  斯诺顿: 曼宁是一名典型的告密者,他的动机是为了维护公众利益。
  问: 你认为你的所作所为是犯罪吗?
  斯诺顿: 我们已经看到政府的许多犯罪行为,因此对我做出这样的指控是虚伪的。他们希望削弱公众的影响力。
  问: 你认为你还遭遇什么样的对待?
  斯诺顿: 不会是好事。
  问: 为何来到香港?
  斯诺顿: 我认为,一名美国人被迫前往一个自由程度不高的地方是一种悲剧。不过,香港仍以自由而着称,有着言论自由的传统。
  问: 泄露的文档中有些什么内容?
  斯诺顿: 关于在美国国内进行的监控,NSA对国会质询习惯性地说谎。我认为,当参议员罗恩·威登(Ron Wyden)和马克·乌代尔(Mark Udall)就监控的规模提问时,NSA会说他们没有工具来提供答案。但实际上我们拥有工具,我也有多张地图,能显示哪些地区的人们受到最多的监控。我们从美国国内截获的数字通信比我们从俄罗斯截获的信息更多。
  问: 奥巴马政府指责中国黑客的攻击,你对此怎么看?
  斯诺顿: 我们对所有地方的所有人采取黑客行动,但我们希望让自己和其他人显得有些区别。我们存在于全球的几乎每个国家,但我们并没有与这些国家发生战争。
  问: 是否有可能采取一些安全措施,从而避免遭到政府监控?
  斯诺顿: 你甚至还不清楚有什么样的可能性。他们的能力之大令人震惊。我们可以在机器中植入漏洞。一旦你连上网络,我就能验证你的机器。无论采用什么样的保护措施,你都不可能安全。
  问: 家人是否知道你计划这样做?
  斯诺顿: 不,我的家人并不知道发生了什么。我担心的最主要问题就是他们找上我的家人、朋友和伙伴,以及任何与我有关的人。
  问: 你何时决定要曝光这些文档?
  斯诺顿: 你看到了一些令人困扰的事。当看到一切时,你意识到其中一些事是在滥用职权。对于错误行为的意识逐渐形成。这是一个自然而然的过程。
  问: 奥巴马于周五对这起信息泄露事件表示谴责,但欢迎就如何平衡安全和开放性进行讨论,你对此有何反应?
  斯诺顿: 我的第一反应是,他在为自己辩护时遇到了困难。他试图为一些不合理的事辩护,而他也清楚这一点。
  问: 对于此次泄露的信息,外界一般的反应是什么?
  斯诺顿: 我很惊讶也很高兴看见,公众为了保护自身权利做出了如此强烈的反应,这些权利因国家安全之名而被侵害。与“占领华尔街”行动不同,但今年7月4日仍会有一次草根运动,即为了保护宪法第四修正案的“恢复第四修正案”行动。这一活动已在Reddit上快速发展。互联网上的反应是巨大而具有支持性的。
  问: 华盛顿的外交事务分析师史蒂夫·克莱门斯(Steve Clemons)表示,他偶尔听说,在华盛顿的杜勒斯机场,4名男子正讨论刚刚参加的一次情报会议。对于此次的信息泄露,一人说道,报道者和泄密者都应当“消失”。你对此有何感想?
  斯诺顿: 一些人对这一报道的反应是,真正的间谍不会像这样说话。我是一名间谍,而这就是他们说话的方式。当我们在办公室中讨论如何对付罪犯时,他们不会考虑正当程序,而只要结果。他们会说,相对于把某人送上法庭待一天,更好的做法是把他踢下飞机。总体来看,这是一种独裁主义的思维。
  问: 你现在有没有什么计划?
  斯诺顿: 我唯一可做的就是坐在这里,希望香港政府不要将我驱逐出境。我倾向于在一个有着同样价值观的国家寻求政治庇护。最符合这一要求的国家是冰岛,他们支持保护互联网自由的人们。我不清楚我的未来在何方。
  问: 你是否认为,最终你有可能被送进监狱?
  斯诺顿: 我不可能不冒着被关进监狱的风险。你不可能在对抗全球最强大情报机构的同时不接受这样的风险。如果他们希望抓到你,那么只是时间问题。
  问: 在最初曝光文件的一周之后,你现在感觉怎样?
  斯诺顿: 我认为,公众表达出的愤怒情绪是合理的。这给了我希望,即无论我自己遇到什么,最终结果将有利于美国。我并不指望再回到家乡,尽管这是我想要的。


Friday, June 7, 2013









Tuesday, June 4, 2013



I have compiled a list of publicly traded companies that one should consider researching if they plan on investing in 3d printing stocks. There are many aspects of 3d printing that one could invest in. You can buy stocks in the manufacturers of the printers themselves, the 3d software companies, medical companies that utilize 3d printing, material suppliers, etc. I have tried to organize this list based on what the actual company does in relation the 3d printing. The stock symbol is located next to the name of the company. This list will be updated periodically as needed.

After reviewing this page, be sure to read our Beginner’s Guide to Buying Stocks Online for how to get your foot in the door. It’s super easy to get started trading stocks.

Printer Manufacturers

Stratasys, Inc. (NASDAQ:SSYS)


Stratasys, Inc. is a manufacturer of three-dimensional (3D) printers and rapid prototyping (RP) systems for the office-based RP and direct digital manufacturing (DDM) markets. The Company develops, manufactures and sells a product line of 3D printers and RP systems (and related consumable materials) that create physical parts from computer-aided design (CAD) designs. It also offers rapid prototyping and production part manufacturing services through its centers located in North America, Europe and Australia. Its products are used in the aerospace, defense, automotive, medical, business and industrial equipment, education, architecture, and consumer-products markets. In January 2010, the Company introduced the uPrint Plus. In February 2011, the Company sold its interest in, Inc. In May 2011, the Company acquired Solidscape, Inc.
Further Info:

Hewlett-Packard Company



Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) is a provider of products, technologies, software, solutions and services to individual consumers, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and large enterprises, including customers in the Government, health and education sectors. Its operations are organized into seven segments: the Personal Systems Group (PSG), Services, the Imaging and Printing Group (IPG), Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking (ESSN), HP Software, HP Financial Services (HPFS) and Corporate Investments. The Company’s offerings include personal computing and other access devices; multi-vendor customer services, including infrastructure technology and business process outsourcing, technology support and maintenance, application development and support services and consulting and integration services, and imaging and printing-related products and services. In December 2011, the Company acquired Hiflex Software GmbH.
Further Info:

3D Systems Corp. (NASDAQ:DDD)


3D Systems Corporation (3D Systems) is a holding company that operates through subsidiaries in the United States, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is a provider of three-dimensional (3D) content-to-print solutions including 3D printers, print materials and on-demand custom parts services for professionals and consumers. It also provides creative content development and design productivity tools. Its principal print engines include stereolithography (SLA), printers, selective laser sintering (SLS), printers, multi-jet modeling (MJM), printers, film transfer imaging (FTI) printers, selective laser melting (SLM) printers, and plastic jet printers (PJP). On October 4, 2011, the Company acquired the shares of Kemo Modelmakerij B.V. (Kemo). On January 3, 2012, the Company completed the acquisition of Z Corporation and Vidar systems Corporation. In April 2012, it acquired My Robot Nation (MRN). In April 2012, it acquired Paramount Industries.
Further Info:

Software Developers

Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK)

DescriptioAutodesk, Inc. (Autodesk) is designs software and services company, offering customers business solutions through technology products and services. The Company operates in four operating segments: Platform Solutions and Emerging Business (PSEB), Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), Manufacturing (MFG) and Media and Entertainment (M&E). The Company serves customers in the architecture, engineering and construction; manufacturing, and digital media and entertainment industries. The Company’s software products enable its customers to experience their ideas before they are real by allowing them to imagine, design, and create their ideas and to visualize, simulate and analyze real-world performance early in the design process by creating digital prototypes. Autodesk software products are sold globally, both directly to customers and through a network of resellers and distributors. On December 21, 2011, the Company acquired T-Splines, Inc. (T-Splines).
Further Info:

Dassault Systemes S.A.  (PINK:DASTY)


Dassault Systemes SA provides software solutions and consulting services. Creator of Solidworks. The Company’s global customer base includes companies primarily in 11 industrial sectors: Aerospace & Defense, Transportation & Mobility, Marine & Offshore, Industrial Equipment, High Tech, Architecture, Engineering & Construction, Consumer Goods Retail, Consumer Packaged goods Retail, Life Sciences, Energy, Process & Utilities, Financial & Business services. To serve these industries, the Company has developed a broad software applications portfolio, organized in brands, in order to provide comprehensive solutions responding to the extensive requirements of product development: Design, Realistic Simulation, Virtual Manufacturing and Production, Collaborative Innovation, Lifelike Experiences and Information Intelligence. On March 2011, the Company acquired Intercim. On April 2011, the Company acquired Enginuity PLM. On February 9, 2012, the Company acquired Netvibes.
Further Info:

Exa Corporation (EXA)


Exa Corporation develops, sells, and supports simulation software and services for vehicle manufacturers. It offers PowerFLOW software solution suite for simulating complex fluid flow problems. The company’s software suite includes PowerDELTA, which streamlines and accelerates simulation model preparation process; PowerCASE that creates, edits, and compiles a complete PowerFLOW simulation case, which controls the construction of the simulation grid; PowerCLAY that performs direct modification or morphing of digital model surfaces; PowerTHERM to predict surface temperatures and heat fluxes generated by thermal radiation and conduction; and PowerCOOL to calculate the heat transfer between a heat exchanger and the cooling airflow. Its software suite also comprises PowerINSIGHT, a graphical user interface that offers a library of user configurable templates and generates comparative results; PowerVIZ, a visualization and analysis application that is used for processing simulation results from PowerFLOW and spectral analysis results from PowerACOUSTICS; and PowerACOUSTICS, which enables pressure fluctuation prediction, noise source identification, wind noise transmission to interior, and sound package parameter study capabilities. In addition, the company provides technical consulting and training services. Its products are used in various applications, including aerodynamics, thermal management, aeroacoustics, climate control, and powertrain. The company sells its products and project services primarily through direct sales force in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Korea, as well as through distributors in China and India, and through a sales agent in Brazil. Exa Corporation was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts.
Further Info:



Parametric Technology Corporation develops, markets, and supports software solutions that facilitate companies to design products, manage product information, and enhance their product development processes worldwide. Its enterprise solutions include PTC Windchill, an Internet-based content and process management solutions for managing data and relationships, processes, and publications; PTC Arbortext enterprise solutions to manage information assets that enhance customer support and service center information delivery processes; PTC Creo View, which enables enterprise-wide visualization, verification, annotation, and automated comparison of various product development data formats; and PTC Integrity that coordinates and manages various activities and artifacts associated with developing software-intensive products. The company’s desktop solutions comprise PTC Creo Parametric, a suite of three-dimensional product design solutions that enables changes made during the design process to be associatively updated throughout the design; PTC Creo Elements/Direct, a suite of computer aided design and collaboration software used for customers to meet short design cycles; PTC Mathcad, an engineering calculation software solution, which combines a computational engine, accessed through conventional math notation and with word processor and graphing tools; and PTC Arbortext to facilitate customers improve documentation accuracy, speed time to market, reduce translation requirements, and lower publishing costs. It also offers consultation, implementation, training, and maintenance services. The company sells its products and services through direct sales force, as well as through third-party resellers and other strategic partners. Parametric Technology Corporation was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Needham, Massachusetts.
Further Info:

Medical/Biological 3D Printing

Organovo Holdings, Inc.  (ONVO.PK)


Organovo Holdings, Inc. develops NovoGen three-dimensional (3D) human tissue printing technology for creating tissue on demand for research and surgical applications. Its NovoGen 3D printing technology is a platform that works across various tissue and cell types. Organovo Holdings, Inc. serves physicians and researchers involved in the fields of cardiovascular medicine, medical research, and transplant medicine. The company was founded in 2007 and is based in San Diego, California.

Organovo Holdings, Inc.
5871 Oberlin Drive
Suite 150
San Diego, CA 92121
United States – Map
Phone: 858-550-9994

3D-Printing Stocks Are Setting Up Again

3D-Printing Stocks Are Setting Up Again

  • Posted by 
  • on April 28th, 2013
It is not a secret that 3D printing has been one of the most discussed industries in the past 6 months and one of the best performers in the past 12 months. There are currently four relatively liquid, publicly traded stocks that represent it: 3D Systems ($DDD), Stratasys ($SSYS), Proto Labs ($PRLB), The ExOne Company ($XONE) and it seems that they are all setting up for higher prices.
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The two big ones $DDD and $SSYS took quite a beating after $XONE had its IPO on February 8th.
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There are two ways to look at an IPO in a hot industry:
1) It is positive. It shows that investment banks are confident in market’s ability to absorb the new supply. Stocks from the same industry that are already public often appreciate in anticipation of the new IPO.
2) Too much additional supply of shares is just like overbuilding capacity – it is not a positive in long-term perspective as it puts pressure on prices.
$XONE is a tiny company with current market cap of $500M. It is unlikely to be the major catalyst for the selloff in$DDD and $SSYS. The total market cap of the all publicly traded 3D printing industry is still relatively small for a small surge in supply to matter.
The main reason behind the pullbacks was probably earnings related and not living up to market’s expectations. Mr. Market constantly discounts evens that have not happened yet. As a result, it will often discount events that will not happen. This is not to say that it will remain blind-sighted forever. A good story is not a long-term catalyst. The market gave the benefit of the doubt to $DDD and $SSYS for quite some time and it bid their prices substantially during most of 2012, but it expected those two to start to deliver in terms of real, organic earnings and sales growth. It did not happen, so some dissapointed market participants just took profits and sold, which put downside pressure on the industry.
There was also a sentiment aspect to the pullback. All of a sudden, in January every local TV and radio were covering 3D-printing and talking about its ginormous potential. Wall Street loves to sell to front page headlines after a substantial move.
In March, both $DDD and $SSYS bounced near their rising 200dmas, where long-term buyers typically step up to support their holdings. Since, then they have been under quiete accumulation. Granted, they still have a lot of work to do in the process of building the right side of their new basis, but the whole sector seems to be setting up again.
From technical perspective, both $DDD and $SSYS had at least a couple of tight consecutive closes and have recently broken their downtrends to the upside. They have been making higher highs and higher lows.
$PRLB has been consolidating after its monstrous earnings gap in February and above $50, it could fly again. It has a small float of only 19M shares, which is a prerequisite for volatile moves.
It is earnings season, so don’t forget to check their earnings dates.
The information in this blog post represents my own opinions and does not contain a recommendation for any particular security or investment. I or my affiliates may hold positions or other interests in securities mentioned in the Blog, please see my Disclaimer page for my full disclaimer.

3D Printing Companies Could Continue To Head North

3D Printing Companies Could Continue To Head North

Piyush is a member of The Motley Fool Blog Network -- entries represent the personal opinion of the blogger and are not formally edited.
Earlier this month, the leaked 3D print designs of guns were downloaded over 100,000 times on the internet, and authorities around the globe now fear the proliferation of homemade guns on the streets. But then, just when 3D printing was starting to look like a bane, a doctor saved a newborn’s life by implanting a 3D printed trachea.
This type of virality is great for 3D printing companies, as it has highlighted some of the amazing capabilities of their printers. I wouldn’t say that the companies were behind their virality, but I believe that 3D printing companies could witness a spurt of new orders thanks to it.
3D Printing Software
As of now, the 3D printing space is mainly dominated by Dassault Systemes (NASDAQOTH:DASTY)3D Systems (NYSE: DDD) and Stratasys (NASDAQ: SSYS). Out of the three, Dassault Systemes is the global leader in 3D printing and designing software (3D Experience), and directly competes with the designing software provided by Autodesk.
In a bid to extend its lead, Dassault Systemes recently announced the acquisition of SIMPOE. It is a leader in plastic injection molding simulation, which forms a forms a major part in the manufacturing of technological equipment.
Besides that, the acquisition is expected to expand the simulation and designing capabilities of its 3D Experience. With software improvements, Dassault Systemes can picture a profitable future, as competition in 3D printing on an industrial scale begins to increase. Although the particulars of the deal were not mentioned, the acquisition should be a huge value addition for Dassault Systemes.
But if investing in 3D printer manufacturers is the priority, 3D Systems and Stratasys should make it to the list.
3D Printers
Both 3D Systems and Stratasys are the leading manufacturers of 3D printers. Stratasys provides industrial-scale printers, most of which are out of reach from the common consumers. On the other hand, 3D Systems manufactures printers for both industrial and domestic uses. It is because of 3D Systems that retail consumers can make use of the technology on a relatively smaller and cheaper scale.
Thanks to viral marketing and easy availability of 3D printers, 3D Systems has been growing at a rapid rate. For the recent quarter, the company posted a mammoth sales increase of 31% YoY, which was accompanied by a 24% YoY surge in its quarterly EPS. As a result of its impressive growth momentum, shares of 3D Systems have appreciated by 145% over the last year.
Although its shares appear to be overvalued, I believe that 3D Systems still has plenty of upside to offer. The company is foraying into a mobile platform, allowing users to design and print 3D models directly from their iOS devices. It’s easy and simple user interface has made 3D printing more of a “fun thing,” rather than just being available for utility purposes.
Besides that, the company recently also launched its ProjectX line of 3D printers, which are compatible with smartphones, tablets and PCs. According to the company, the new line of printers offer realistic color vibrance, with up to 6 million colors in a single printed part. According to the management of 3D Systems, the new line of printers should attract more consumers.
Even Stratasys is growing at a healthy pace. For the recent quarter, the company posted an impressive earnings growth of 34%, with a 120% surge in its quarterly revenues. Although its shares have appreciated by 65% (lower than 3D Systems), analysts estimate its annual EPS growth to average around 30% over the next year (higher than 3D System’s 22%).
Earlier in December, Stratasys merged with 3D printer manufacturer Objet. It is due to this merger that Stratasys has been able to report stellar financial growth. However, there wasn’t much value unlocking, which is why shares of Stratasys haven’t appreciated as much as those of 3D Systems’ (despite reporting greater sales and earnings growth).
Final Words
For sustainable growth I believe that Stratasys would be a better option than 3D Systems since its printers are deployed on an industrial scale (with a sense of utility and purpose). However, risk-taking investors looking for quick gains can consider investing in 3D Systems. But remember, “The trend is your friend, until the end.”

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