DR. BETSY: Stomach virus has no specific treatment, is rarely dangerous
Some illnesses come on gradually and seem to hang on forever, such as runny noses and coughs, while others sneak up on you and pounce suddenly, attacking the immune system like a ninja warrior. These crafty germs, like the month of March, come in like a lion before quickly flaming out and creeping away like the proverbial lamb. One particularly nasty fast-acting ailment currently making the rounds is the unwelcome stomach bug.
Viral gastroenteritis is the official term for a stomach and/or intestinal infection. Many people refer to it as the stomach flu, although this is not strictly accurate, since the influenza virus produces a completely different illness with completely different symptoms. Viral gastroenteritis causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and occasionally fever.
Just as the common cold can be caused by about a bazillion distinct respiratory organisms, there are many different viruses that can result in a case of gastroenteritis. Rotavirus is a common cause of severe diarrhea in infants and children across the globe. Adenoviruses and astroviruses can both cause gastroenteritis symptoms, although only one of those makes me want to hum the theme song from the Jetsons. Norovirus is another common cause of acute gastroenteritis. A new strain of norovirus, first detected in Australia, currently is causing outbreaks of disease in many communities in this country.
The viruses that cause gastroenteritis are highly contagious and spread quickly and easily, particularly in crowded environments with lots of people, such as schools, day cares, hospitals, nursing homes, cruise ships, college dorms, summer camps and hotels. The virus is spread through direct person-to-person contact or ingestion of affected food or water. Children often contract the illness by touching a contaminated object such as a toy and subsequently sticking their fingers in their mouths. Symptoms typically appear about 4 to 48 hours after exposure to the virus.
There is no specific medical treatment for viral gastroenteritis, which makes it a very frustrating illness for parents. Antibiotics won’t help, and in fact can make an upset stomach worse. Fortunately, this illness is rarely dangerous, and therapy is aimed at preventing dehydration. Let your child’s stomach rest after a bout of vomiting, then encourage fluids, offering small amounts frequently. Sometimes I use a spoon, or put only ½ to 1 ounce of liquid in a cup to ensure that a thirsty child won’t take a large amount too quickly.
For infants and younger children, an oral rehydration solution such as Pedialyte is preferable. Plain water isn’t always a good choice, since it is not absorbed well by the sick GI tract and does not replace the electrolytes (salt and other minerals) lost by the body through vomiting and diarrhea. While some experts don’t like the higher sugar content of certain drinks, I have found that small sips of non-caffeinated sports drinks like Gatorade or clear soft drinks like Sprite or ginger ale are often readily accepted by children and can prevent dehydration and avoid a trip to the hospital. Ease back into solid food slowly. Stick with bland foods like rice, toast, soup and crackers, avoiding fatty or sugary foods.
The good news about viral gastroenteritis is that the vomiting tends to resolve relatively quickly, usually within a few hours to days. Unfortunately, the diarrhea associated with the illness may hang around for a while, lasting a week or two or even longer. I am not a fan of anti-diarrheal medicines, since loose frequent stool is the body’s annoying yet effective way of eliminating the virus and is an important, if messy, part of the healing process. Remember that moms and dads are susceptible to this illness, too, so encourage good hand-washing skills for the whole family to keep the stomach bug at arm’s length.
Dr. Betsy Neahring practiced pediatrics in Evansville for 10 years before (mostly) retiring to become “Daniel’s Mom.” Write to her at drbetsyneahring@aol.com.
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