Tuesday, March 31, 2015


http://www.creaders.net  2015-03-30 10:49:31  人民网  [2条评论,查看/发表评论]
  1. 暧昧
  暧昧这件事,我看的很开。中国人常说,一个男人和你暧昧就是没有那么喜欢你。我觉得这还不够准确,应该说,一个男人和你暧昧就是“拿你打发时间,把你当back up,骑驴找马,遇到更好的立马踹了你。”
  2. 美国人的约会
  在美国,这点很容易判断——如果男方打电话单独约你吃晚餐,99%是想get to know you better.
  但是我呢,move on就move on了。
  我和ex分手的原因就是因为他没办法把自己的时间分一半给我。交往初期,ex 80%的时间都和我在一起。分手前一个星期,30%。当然了,美国人比较虚伪,都比较会说话,他的分手借口出的潜台词就是“我没有以前那么喜欢你了,我不可能把自己的时间分一半给你”。
  3. 分手后是否还是朋友
  对于我本身来说,分手后是否能做朋友完全取决于分手原因以及他是否做了猥琐的事情。如果两个人对于分手的原因on the same page,自然还能做朋友。如果有一方不甘愿,那就不要做朋友。
  ex ex 呢,是我甩了他,而且他一直求我回来,未果。他果断的告诉我,他没有办法和我做朋友。对于我来说,这个手我分定了,你要怎么折腾是你的事,我根本不会care。
  美国年轻人,感觉来的快,消失的也快,而且commitment对他们来说,是极其重要的一件事。所以大部分年轻人,不太轻易做出commitment,it takes time for them to do do.
  分手的最初很痛苦,这个我知道。但是你要坚信,时间会fix一切。Everything happens for a reason. 分手以后请move on,不要沉迷于过去了。
  4. 约会和relationship是两码事
  我有一个理论——女人应该同时和多个男生约会。 我这里所说的约会,是指吃吃饭、看看电影、参加各种户外活动等等,不是指滚床单。
  打个比方,男生 ABCDE。
  5. 分手以后该做的事情
  B 中策:独自黯然神伤
  C上策: 给自己三个月的空窗期,做自己喜欢的事情,调整自己的心态。
  失恋后,我开始健身,跑步或者骑自行车,2个星期迅速瘦了10磅,站在镜子面前,自己都觉得自己更美了。我参加了很多音乐节,找到自己喜欢的音乐种类(我喜欢alternative dance music),然后去研究那些乐队。我计划了很多旅行计划,有长有短......
  6. XXOO
  交往的六个人中,我只和两个人有过关系。一个是ex,另一个是ex ex,因为我以为我和他们之间会长久。
  你们要记住,只有在两个人确定恋爱关系以后才能XXOO。用英文来说,就是have sex after commitment。中国男生嘴巴甜,有时候没有确定关系,老婆、女朋友喊得欢。但是美国人对这两个词绝对是很serious的,一般情况下不会乱喊。
  譬如,ex,追我的第一天,made a reservation in a high classic restaurant and then took me to play mini golf。第二天,和我一起参加了local的北欧电影节,6个小时不间断;晚上,把我介绍给他最好的朋友,然后四个人一起去听 soul music现场。第三天,ex约我去超市,一块购物去他家做饭,租了《赤壁》(他是美国人,特意租了中国的DVD),约我去他家。当时我还**惕,看他准备了红酒没,因为在美国,红酒+电影=我要和你XXOO。结果呢,ex正襟危坐,认认真真和看完了电影,还和我讨论里面的故事情节。晚上10点,开车准时送我回家。 我极其反感约会的第一次就去bar,去lounge之类的。或者是约会的时候动不动就说你要不要来我家吃饭和红酒。这些都是典型的我要和你XXOO的信号。
  记住,一个男的喜欢你,不会push you to have sex with him at all。虽然美国人不像中国人保守,约会1、2年以后再上床;但是他们能等个1、2个月的。 千万不要奢望用sex来拴住男生,这样只会导致对方把你当成sex工具。
  7. 在美国,如何选择男朋友
  这样吧,你写出一张list,例出你在dating中最看重的10个条件,然后从very important排序到kind of important 到not very important。
  现在,我的list 如下:
  1. 人品好,诚实守信;
  2. 有一份跟我不相上下的职业以及相同的金钱观;
  3. 身体健康,喜欢运动;
  4. 长相超过6分;
  5. 家庭观重,愿意早早settle down下来;
  多美好的计划,可惜 I can't picture myself in this way.

Thursday, March 26, 2015




Tuesday, March 24, 2015

哈佛大学教授 揭“美国梦”最大丑闻

http://www.creaders.net  2015-03-23 19:17:46  多维  [1条评论,查看/发表评论]

  罗伯特·帕特南(Robert D·Putnam),美国哈佛大学公共政策学教授。曾任哈佛大学肯尼迪政府管理学院院长、美国政治学会主席。他的主要研究领域是政治学理论和社会理论,其代表作有《独自打保龄:美国社会资本的衰落》《使民主运转起来》等。近日,他的新书《我们的孩子:危机中的“美国梦”》(《Our Kids:The American Dream in Crisis》)即将出版。从该书中,可以让我们看到,“美国梦”对于现在的美国人来说,已经遥不可及。
  在美国,哪些因素决定了一个人未来的生活?上述决定因素是否会因时间的推移而改变?在帕特南教授今年3月出版的新书《我们的孩子:危机中的“美国梦”》(《Our Kids:The American Dream in Crisis》)中,上述问题有了新答案。
  帕特南的观点得到了美国知名民意调查机构的旁证。根据欧维希国际市场研究咨询公司(ORC International)开展的“CNNMoney美国梦民意调查”结果显示,10个被调查人中就有6人认为,“美国梦”已经遥不可及。尽管54%的被调查者表示,自己会比父母生活得更好,但有63%的美国公民表示,他们觉得这一代的美国儿童中,绝大多数不会比他们的父母生活得更好。

Monday, March 16, 2015

He Founded an Engineering Group and Has His Own Research Lab

Vatsal Shah (left) in his lab with his adviser, NJIT Professor Dorairaja Raghu.

Here are a few things you should know about Vatsal Shah.
At age 23, he was one of the youngest persons in New Jersey to be licensed as a professional engineer. 
The American Society of Civil Engineers named him the 2013 “New Face of Civil Engineering.”
He works as project engineer for Hatch Mott MacDonald (HMM), where he has helped this global engineering firm create a geotechnical subpractice.
Though he works full-time, he’s also a part-time doctoral candidate at NJIT. He studies civil and environmental engineering, with a focus on geotechnical engineering -- the study of soil behavior.
He has his own laboratory in South Plainfield, where he models landfills and how they behave. Landfills take up valuable urban space and his research could help towns reclaim landfills for other uses. His lab is self-funded.
Sleep? What sleep? He routinely puts in 17-hour days -- long hours of work and study.
In 2014 the NJIT Alumni Association gave him the GeNext Award for Alumni Achievement. It’s an honor bestowed upon young alumni for significant professional accomplishments. He was the first NJIT grad to receive the award.
Despite these achievements, Shah admits he wasn’t always an achiever. When he was in high school, by his own admission, he was unmotivated, doing just enough work to get by. He was smart, but he lacked focus -- often didn’t feel challenged. When he took the SATs, he did exceedingly well but his grades remained mediocre. During his senior year, he realized he wanted to study engineering -- his father and great-grandfather were engineers -- and he found the perfect college for that: the Albert Dorman Honors College.
Shah and his father arranged a time to meet with Joel Bloom, then dean of the college and now president of NJIT. Bloom saw Shah’s potential, so he gave him a challenge: If Shah was to get all A’s during his last year of high school; he’d be admitted into the college. Shah took the challenge and ran with it – acing his last year: He was admitted into the Honors College. Since then, he hasn’t stopped running -- accumulating honors and accolades along the way. 
In this interview, Shah talks about how NJIT put him on the path to professional success and personal fulfillment.
How did you get into engineering?
I was always predisposed to engineering. My grandfather was an architect and my father was a civil engineer. My father is known at NJIT for testing the concrete and steel that support buildings throughout the campus, including Laurel Hall, the dorm where I lived, as well as the library, where I really "lived," or spent all my time.   
Can you explain your lab research?
Generally, the purpose of my research is to understand and predict landfill settlement, especially their rates of gas generation. This work helps reclaim land and plan for green energy such as biogas created from the decomposition of the fill. In my lab, I’ve created and simulated mini landfills, and I measure how the organic fill material settles and decomposes with time. 
Why is this work important?
It’s for a combination of environmental and economic reasons. If we test and know how a landfill has  decomposed, then we know how it produces gas and how that gas can be used for green energy. An operator could capture the bio-gas and re-use it to power nearby homes. The tests will also tell us when it’s OK to build on landfills. Being able to predict when the sites could be re-used and how buildings and structures perform on the sites as they settle would allow for better reclamation. That land can then be re-used in valuable ways.
What is unique about your research?
Several methods exist to model landfill settlement, but none consider the rate of gas production and how it decomposes with time. I want to understand the variations caused by those changes and create a standard that can be used not just in N.J. but worldwide. Ultimately I want to create a process others can follow so testing can be performed for landfill settlement, gas production (green energy) and other analyses for engineering performance. My aim is to reclaim the land faster and more productively.
And you really fund the lab by yourself?
Yes, my lab is self-funded.  It’s essentially a small office with a large attached garage space. I pay for it by living at home, working full time at Hatch Mott, saving every penny and begging for any scholarship I can find. Ask me next about my nonexistent social life!  It is uncommon for a grad student to have his own lab- but some of the greats all started in garages -- think of Edison, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs -- so I’m just keeping with tradition!
Who are your academic advisers?
My adviser is Professor Dorairaja Raghu, who has been doing pioneering research on landfills since the 1980s. My co-adviser is Professor Taha Marhaba, the chairman of the civil and environmental engineering department at NJIT. Actually, my entire doctoral committee is brilliant – they have experience in industry and academia -- so I have great advice.  
Can you talk about your job?
I’m currently a project engineer with HMM, which is headquartered in Iselin, N.J. The firm is a strong supporter of NJIT alums -- we have more than 85 employees who are NJIT alums -- so it’s a great feeling to walk around and see all the NJIT pride. I've been working there full-time since 2008, immediately after graduating from NJIT with a degree in civil engineering.  I also earned a master’s degree from NJIT in 2009 while going to school at night. Through the years I learned that I have a passion for geotechnical engineering, and HMM has been extremely supportive of both my education as well as building my capabilities as a geotechnical engineer.
So you helped build the company's geotechnical capabilities?
Yes. Four years ago I created a geotechnical sub-practice within HMM’s environmental subdivision based in NJ. I manage a four-person team that focuses on geotechnical support for a large mix of projects for HMM.  I’ve noticed most people who start a new business practice or even manage are much older, but I was 23 when I started the group. I’ve been told it’s a remarkable feat for someone my age, but I think it shows even more the support of a great company. It’s been quite a challenge but at the same time it’s been a tremendous learning experience. I’ve pulled more all-nighters at work than during school, which I hate to admit, but it’s rewarding work, which is what matters most in life. 
What kind of projects does your group work on?
Engineering is ever-present, which is what I truly enjoy about this profession. We’ve worked on everything from bridges and tunnels, to schools and water treatment plans.
When a sinkhole opened up in Hackettstown this year and swallowed up a driveway and 500 feet of road, we were on the job to investigate the cause and design repairs to make it safe to pass again. Another project right now is designing a large school campus in Passaic for almost 3,000 students. Try designing multiple four-story school buildings on a site that used to be a lake with a thick, soft bottom and had been an old industrial complex and a hospital at different times! It’s great to be involved in the design of foundations and to understand the ground beneath these large, tall, and important structures -- and then to see your work in person.
How do you manage to both work and study?
With great family, friends and a sense of humor!  But I’m in what’s called an industry doctoral student: I work full time and go to school part-time while also doing research. There’s only a few of us in industry program, but it’s a perfect program for me and I’m grateful to NJIT for offering the program.
You’ve come a long way since Joel Bloom challenged you to get all A’s?
I enrolled in NJIT’s Albert Dorman’s Honors College in 2005 after President Bloom, then dean of the college, personally challenged me to find my best self.  A few months, ago I invited President Bloom to my lab and I gave him a presentation of my research. I also invited the president and CEO of Hatch Mott, Nicholas DeNichilo, as well as my colleagues and mentors. Both NJIT and HMM have believed in me and supported my research from the start, so I wanted to give them a special presentation of my work. I had lunch catered and we had a good time.  And, as fate would have it, a few years ago I had the pleasure of bumping into Albert Dorman of the Honors College while I was receiving my award from the American Society of Civil Engineers in Washington, D.C. He was shocked but pleasantly surprised to see one of his own at the ceremony.  I guess that means I’ve come full circle in life.

NJIT - Engineering Student of the Year

The Newark College of Engineering recently named Pedro Santos the Outstanding Senior of the Year.

Pedro Santos is not innately intelligent, he says. Rather, he considers himself a hard worker. 
If anything -- if any one characteristic -- sets him apart from his peers it’s hard work, an ethic he inherited from his parents.
“My parents immigrated from Portugal and both worked hard in America to buy a nice house in a nice suburb,” says Pedro, a senior who is soft-spoken, humble and quick to smile. “My father is a diesel mechanic and my mother works cleaning houses. We are a really close family.  I saw how hard they worked and knew I had to work just as hard on my studies.”  
Pedro’s studiousness is beginning to bear fruit. The Newark College of Engineering (NCE) recently named him the Outstanding Senior of the Year, as well as the Outstanding Senior in his major – civil and environmental engineering.  Academically, he has a 4.0 GPA and is ranked first in his senior class. He holds seven scholarships and belongs to four honor societies. He attends the Albert Dorman Honors College and worked as an NJIT tutor for two years, where he helped hundreds of students improve in chemistry, physics and statistics.  
Though he majors in engineering, he has a minor in business, and belonged to a student team that competed in a Global Investment Research Challenge. The team had to develop a report for a stock recommendation and present it before a panel of Wall Street experts. He was the only engineering student chosen by the School of Management to participate in the contest. This past summer, he also worked as a summer intern at Langan Engineering and Environmental Services. 
In this interview, Pedro talks about his interest in engineering, his family and his career plans.
How’d you get interested in engineering?
I was always good in math and science in high school, and I was surrounded by engineering.  My older brother, Diogo, studied civil engineering at NJIT. He graduated eighth years ago and he teaches here part time as an adjunct professor. He has a good job working for Petry Engineering. His wife, Stephanie Santos, is also a university lecturer of civil engineering here at NJIT.  My father is a diesel mechanic who works on trucks and the work he does is similar to engineering.  He used to talk to me about his work.  My parents also encouraged me to study something that would lead to a good career, and that was engineering.
Why did you come to NJIT?
It was close to home (North Arlington), it had a good engineering program and I received a full scholarship.  Also my brother is an NJIT grad and liked it here.
Have you enjoyed studying civil engineering?
I’ve had some great professors of civil engineering who’ve been super helpful.  The major is a great mix of hands on-learning, applied engineering and theory.  Many of the civil professors also have field experience that enhances their teaching and our learning.
What part of civil engineering do you like best?
My interest is in site development and planning.  I like to evaluate a piece of property and design it to serve the developer’s needs. Where is the storm water going to go?  Will it run off the land or be captured?  I enjoy designing land development projects where the parking, grading slopes and building locations all come together to provide an efficient and cost-effective solution for clients. I did some of this work during my internship at Langan and really enjoyed it. 
What do you do outside of school?
I am heavily involved in my church (Church Alive), where I’m a team leader. I volunteer about 10 hours a week. The church has 350 members and I lead a church team that performs 20 tasks a week, helping facilitate service flow and aiding with any other needs.  I am also currently helping lead a youth outreach program.  Outside of school and church, I enjoy swimming, playing soccer, and basketball.
What are your plans for after you graduate?
My ultimate career goal is to be in a position where I can combine the quantitative skills I’ve obtained in my engineering degree with the business sense cultivated through my business-finance classes.  My plan is to use the combination of those skills to eventually either become a CEO of a large engineering firm, where I can influence strategy and build relationships with clients, or become CEO of my own firm where I can do the same.

By Robert Florida